
ELSA Bayreuth

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Bayreuth is a small town in northern bavaria near the border of the Czech Republic. It is surrounded by a beautiful landscape and the Fichtel mountains where you could can join some outdoor activities. The University is located in the south of the city and has about 13,000 students.  Our elsa group has about 300 members and good relationships to the local law firms.

City, Country
Bayreuth, Germany
Accommodation Options
There is a hostel close to the university where you can sleep from 20€ a night. But if you are a small group we will be able to host you in our apartments.
Methods of getting from the airport(s)/train-station to the City Centre/Hotel
The next airport is in Nuremberg which will take you one hour by train. The distances in Bayreuth are very short and the means of transport are cheap and well organized.
Ideal length of Visit
3-7 days
List of law-firms/firms/Institutions that the groups could visit
Rödl&Partner, REHAU AG, Higher Regional Court Bamberg, small local law firms
Draft Academic Programme

We would like to visit the regional government and the local court. Moreover there are some „hidden champions companies“ including interesting law divisons. In the university we can visit a workshop by our research center for consumer rights.

Contact information
Maximum number of participants that can be hosted
available upon request