ELSA Helsinki

Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is located seaside on the southern part of the country. With 640 000 habitants, Helsinki has the vibe of a smaller town filled with indie boutiques, quirky cafés and relaxed ambiance. Academically Helsinki has a lot to offer as most of Finland’s law firms, courts and institutions are situated there. Helsinki is almost 500 years old and has gone through very different periods. One can notice how it has been shaped over the years by both western and eastern culture. Also nature is all around. Finland is almost fully covered by forests and Helsinki is no exception with it’s many green parks and small islands.
Visiting Helsinki gives you a broad and clear overview into Finnish society and legal culture. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information!
A frequently running train (Trains P and I) and bus route (615 and Finnair City Bus) connects the airport and the city center. The trip takes 30-45 minutes from the airport to Helsinki Central Station. One way ticket is approximately 5 € / per person for the trains and for the bus 615. One way ticket for Finnair City bus is 6,80 € / per person.
Law Firms: All large law firms in Finland are located in Helsinki. Previous study visits have included visits to law firms such as Bird & Bird, Hannes Snellman (one of the largest corporate law firms in Finland) and Procopé & Hornborg.
Courts: Judicial independence is statistically most effective in Finland. In addition to regional courts Supreme Court of Finland, Supreme Administrative Court of Finland and all current special courts such as Market Court are situated in Helsinki.
Authorities and institutions: The Parliament of Finland and ministries of Finland are located in Helsinki.
University of Helsinki: We have the possibility to get lectures from Helsinki University professors. On previous Study Visits we have received lectures for example from Erik Castrén Institute of International Law.
Visit to a court, the Parliament of Finland or to a ministry
Lecture held by Helsinki University law professor
Visit to a law firm
Tourist attractions: https://www.visitfinland.com/helsinki/ public transports: https://www.hsl.fi/en