
ELSA Odense

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Odense is the third largest city in Denmark, and is located right in the middle of Denmark.
City, Country
Odense, Denmark
Accommodation Options
There is a hostel around 6 kilometers from the university, where you can stay for around 25€ a night.
Methods of getting from the airport(s)/train-station to the City Centre/Hotel
There are trains that go directly from Kastrup Airport in Copenhagen to Odense City.
Maximum number of participants that can be hosted
Ideal length of Visit
3-5 days
List of law-firms/firms/Institutions that the groups could visit
Local law firms
Draft Academic Programme

Visit to the court in Odense and to Odense Municipality.

Other information
AVAILABLE TIME-PERIODS FOR OTHER GROUPS TO VISIT: From September-November and from March-April
Contact information